This Video Shows How to Migrate Tally 7.2 Data to Tally ERP 9.Kindly Download the Tally ERP 9 Crack Latest-Downloader.rar (usingTorrent Downloader)By Clickin. Sir, as you mentioned you have converted the data from 6.3 to 7.2. But before using the data in tally 9 you need to migrate it to tally 9. Please Follow Below Procedure. Procedure for converting tally 7.2 Data to Tally 9. OPen Tally9 Folder. Double Click on 'tally72migration.exe' Select Migrate Data. Press 'BackSpace' to change the data. On migrating the TCP file from Tally 7.2 to Tally.ERP 9, a congratulatory message is displayed as shown below: Press Enter to continue. Post Migration Observations for the TCP Files. The migrated TCP file is saved in the same folder as Tally 7.2 TCP file. The migrated TCP filename is suffixed with the digit 9 as shown, and appears in the same.
How to migrate Tally 6.3/7.2 data to Tally.ERP 9 ?
posted Jul 7, 2012, 11:14 AM by Benjamin Joseph [ updated Oct 17, 2012, 9:09 AM]Tally 7.2 To Tally 9 Migration Tool
Customers using Tally 7.2have to execute the steps shown in order to upgrade their existing data from Tally7.2 to Tally.ERP 9. To migrate Tally 7.2 data to Tally.ERP9 you need to run an executable file called Tally 7.2 migration.exe. To run Tally 7.2 migration.exe, youhave to go to Tally.ERP 9 program folder. If you don’t know where it is locatedjust right click the Tally.ERP 9 icon on your desktop and Click propertiesoption. Then click find target. Tally program folder will openautomatically. In the tally folder you find Tally 7.2 migration.exe.
Note: Certain un-used Voucher Types are removed from Tally.ERP 9,hence there will be a mismatch in Voucher Type Master Statistics. Employee Masters have been splitinto Employees and Employee Groups.
Note: Incase of an error during migration, it is advised torewrite the data by pressing Ctrl + Alt + R from the migration tool and thenstart migration of data to Tally.ERP 9.