NBC show tuned in by 6.5 per cent of TV homes within range, to 4.2 per cent for the CBS show, or 10.7 per cent for the two of them. 8:00, WMAL (7)—Key to the Ages: Works of Rembrandt. 8:30, WMAL (7)—President Eisenhower: Press confer- ence. 9:00, WRC (4) Television Playhouse: 'Play Me Hearts and Flowers.” the drama of a conflict between. His address to mortal Abraham, for example, inevitably included the tacked-on phrase “and to your descendants after you” (Gen. 17:7–8)—gracious, to be sure, yet sobering as well. More to the point, God’s plan to fill the earth with worshipers is worked out covenantally so that “be fruitful and multiply” (Gen. Page 7 of 36.15 The auditor should inquire of management and others within the entity and perform other risk assessment procedures fn11 considered appropriate to obtain an understanding of the controls, if any, that management has established to (Ref: par.A15–.A20.A16–.A21) a. Identify, account for, and disclose related party.
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